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Creative & Academic


Is your career adrift? Was it ever truly satisfying? Most people stumble into their line of work and and then responsibilities hinder them from changing their course, finding their sweet spot, fulfilling their promise. And for those ones who love their profession but need a new challenge, or perhaps they're just starting out and their next steps seem overwhelming , it can help to get perspective from someone outside your circle of friends.  Don't go it alone. So much of our life is spent on the job. Let's come together to help you achieve your truest you.

Does this seem like you? You’ve single-mindedly devoted your life’s work to creative, imaginative pursuits, such writing, performing, researching, or painting, and you’re not willing to settle for producing work that has little meaning or purpose.


Or you’d like to live this whole-souled philosophy, but you’ve not figured out how to do this and pay the mortgage, too? Maybe you’ve always wanted to pursue an artistic life but you’re unsure how to begin. Or maybe you just want to infuse more creativity and imagination into your current career, as this can lead to better mental and physical health.

You can develop your talents, break through creative blocks, and enrich your life and the lives of those with whom you connect through specialized counseling. If your creative lifestyle has come between you and those you love, or is a factor in your anxious or depressive moods, counseling can help you work through this, too. Let me support you in finding balance based on what's best for you.  

Academic issues, such as learning disabilities or limited success with formal education, can shadow us throughout our lives. These experiences, large or small, affect the messages we tell ourselves and the opportunities we allow ourselves.


The truth is that many factors influence our ability to “do school well,” including subject interest, family stability, rigid teaching philosophies, neurodivergence, unidentified brain/vision issues, and biological needs. And even if learning has not been a notable problem up until now, it can become one as you challenge yourself in college, throughout your career, or when helping your own children to do school well.


Let's work through those limiting beliefs about yourself that you've developed over time and uncover your true abilities. If you have a disability and plan to attend college, I can help you navigate the transition and demystify campus disability services. If you'd like to reduce your test/math anxiety, better help your child with homework, complete your graduate studies, or resolve similar concerns, give me a call

© 2017-2025  Laureate Counseling
& Development LLC

Consultation or use of this website does not constitute a therapeutic relationship. 

Information herein is subject to change without notice.

A stand-alone Good Faith Estimate is available on request or scheduling.

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