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Laureate Counseling & Development LLC
Teletherapy & Consultation across Alaska and the World

Eat healthier. Exercise more. Take vitamins.
Stop smoking. Lose weight. Floss more. Breathe more.
Sit less. Sleep more. Drink less. Hydrate more.
Fast More. Take your meds!
Overwhelmed? Is it any wonder that people tune out health recommendations and just get on with their lives? It’s natural to feel this way considering everything else you have to do just to get through the day. And as a result, it’s easier to put off for tomorrow what doesn't seem urgent today. But if you have a chronic medical condition or an injury that requires good physical and mental fitness to heal, tomorrow is today.
And if your ailments aren't readily apparent, as with hypothyroidism, sensory processing disorder, food, chemical, or environmental sensitivities; dysautonomias, CFS, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, or mild traumatic brain injury, you not only have to figure out how to mend but also contend with the critics who tell you your problems are "all in your head." Adding Sensorimotor Psychotherapy to complement medical, physical, and nutritional therapy can help to reduce pain and support healing. Don't go it alone.
An excellent way to sort out and accomplish these and other health-related issues is through counseling, ideally in conjunction with your licensed medical, naturopathic, chiropractic, or nutritional providers. The way you think, feel, and respond contributes to behaviors that, combined with your biology and environment, help or hinder your overall metabolic health. Metabolic health is physical and mental health! Let’s partner together to get you where you want to be.
Recommended Reading:
Brain Energy, by Dr. Christopher Palmer
Change your Diet, Change your Mind, by Dr. Georgia Ede
BREATH, by James Nestor
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